Sunday, December 2, 2007

Turkey Day!

Turkey Day!


Our Turkey Day post is a little late...Unfortunately Turkey isn't the only thing Mommy and I got on Thanksgiving...Grampa was kind enough to share his cold with us too!!! We are on the mend though and thought it better late than never to share some of our adventures over the holiday!!! We had a great week visiting with lots of family and eating way more turkey than you need in a year!

Gramma Chris had all of her sister's over for Thanksgiving and of course, they all loved me!!! Here I am with the four lovely Auge girls~Julie, Me, Maggie, Mary and Gramma Chris.
And lots of sister's meant, lots of second cousins.....I had a great time wrestling around with them...And one night, we even went to the lighted parade....It was freezing outside!! I was pretty amused by all of the lights and not really sure what the hype was about, I let out an "oooo...and aaa" a couple of times to make mommy happy!
But as much fun as we had, I was ready to go home after five days....I just missed my bed....and my good afternoon naps!


Jace and Lexa said...

Tell your mommy that we are hanging out over Christmas--no matter what---napping is NOT an excuse. Dude-I don't do it so you don't need to either. Anyway I need some tips on this walking thing--it's a little tricky and my mommy says you're an old pro. Later

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