Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Monthly Update!

Okay,okay, once again.....this is totally not acceptable blogging behaviour but I have once again slacked on my ability to post a new blog...It has nothing to do with our lives being boring as Preston has attained or improved many new skills over the past month such as speaking in sentences, going down the stairs without holding the handrail, or sleeping in a big boy bed, eating a "real" bowl of cereal complete with milk, throwing temper tantrums., our infatuation with watching the movie "NEMO"...but rather due to the fact that Mommy is EXTREMELY exhausted being pregnant and chasing a 22 month old toddler with an attitude around....My "usual" blogging time is done when Preston is napping or down for the night...unfortunately now...when Preston goes down....Sprout and I also go down....I honestly did not know it was possible to be this tired all the time!
We have been busy this past month as well which could have also contributed to our lack of blogging...We traveled to Iowa to visit family at Lake Panarama--Mommy and Daddy enjoyed playing a round a golf (yes we did have hobby's prior to kids) and Preston loved the attention and spent hours throwing golf balls in the sand traps...We were hoping to see our buddy Jace at the zoo on this trip, but they were fighting the aweful rain and fearing the flooding waters...thankful all is well with them now and Jace's Mommy's shoes are safe!
We also had visitors for a golf excursion week--Preston's Nana and Papa and Great Aunt Kathy and Uncle Larry...Preston is REALLY attached to Nana and Papa and had one of the largest tantrums Mommy has seen to date when they would leave Preston behind...The saddest part is that I couldn't stop thinking how cute and sweet it was for him to be so upset!
Mommy has also had another Sonogram this month and the Choroid Plexis Cyst is gone!!! Yeah!! Little Sprout is looking great and measuring a whopping 2lbs 2oz already!! His heartbeat has been holding steady around the 140's. He is however Breach at this point..but still has time to turn for us...we will just have to wait and see...Our monthy Dr's visit went fine as well... Mommy got the RH shot, did her glucose blood draw...and got to listen to the heartbeat again...The Dr's only concern is that Jason and I are not able to name this child......I told her it was very much a concern of mine too....So with that...we are seriously open to any suggestions...15 baby name books into this pregnancy and no possible names-- I have about had it...
Okay-Here are a few pic's over the past month.....
Preston assisting in the building of his big boy bed.....
Checking out his cousin's baseball game---an unrealized love for the P man...
Attending his first Birthday Party outside of someone's home...
(Airzone...another love for Preston jumping and climbing)
The one and only time Mommy has given Preston the milk and the cereal together for breakfast....he actually did suprising well and am unsure why I am still being lazy and not providing him this luxury more often...
Hope everyone has a safe and Happy 4th of July....Preston will be riding once again in his neighborhood Parade and celebrating with friends of the neighborhood...Hopefully it wont take as long to post afterwards!!!

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