Sunday, March 4, 2007

Happy 6 Months!!!

Happy 6 Months!!!


Can you believe it, we are 6 months old today!!! Mommy and Daddy are certainly unsure of where the past 6 months have surely seems as though this MUST be wrong as we just brought this bundle of joy home last week...right?? Time has gone by fast and boy has our little man grown in the past 6 months!!


He is physically very strong...Preston was sitting up rolling over well by 4 months....Then around 5 months he started creeping around and well now at 6 months he is CRAWLING!! Yes, no more creeping...he now crawls!!! He is also pulling up on everything and is even able to walk behind one of his toys unassisted!! (although not totally stable yet)


Preston's diet has also changed very much....he has gone from nursing 10 times a day to only 5 or 6 now....and he has also had his first bit of "solid food" and loves it!! He started on rice around 5 months and has now greatly expanded his diet to include oatmeal cereal, carrots, sweet potatoes and the delicious "puffs"!


Preston's sleep schedule is also now much more on "Mommy and Daddy's" schedule! He is sleeping around 11 hrs a night--usually from 8pm til 7am....and compared to the earlier practice of waking every 2-3 hours...we are LOVING IT! Yes, he has the occasional nighttime waking but is doing great...and YES he is in his crib!! He really enjoys it there and does a great job falling asleep on his own!

(We did something right...yeah!!!)


Now, sleeping during the day is another story...Preston prefers to NOT sleep during the day but has been giving us about 2 or 3 ( 30 minute) naps throughout the day....and has even willingly started to take some of these in the crib as well!!! YEAH!


So much has happened and changed in our little man's life over the past 6 months --I just cannot believe it!! I have to admit that I am forever indebted to my husband for providing me with the opportunity to stay at home with our son....the last 6 months have been an amazing time for our family and I am truly blessed! I can't wait to see what the next 6 months has in store for us!!


Jace and Lexa said...

Hi Preston-
Did you know we are exactly 4 months apart? Today is your Happy 6-month day and it is my Happy 2-month day!! We were meant to be buddies!

the hortons said...


You are the most precious, precocious little man we've ever met! Crawling and using a walker already! Thanks for always welcoming us into your home. We can't wait until the play area is complete. See you Wednesday!

Nanthida and Goose